HoD Ravinder Dang with students, planting a sapling on the ‘Van Mahotsav Day’
Students of D.Pharm I performing at the Annual function, ‘Rende Vouz’
Doctors of DMC, Ludhiana demonstrating the process of CPR during a workshop on First Aid
Student of D.Pharm. II during a declamation contest
Drugs Inspectors Ms. Roopreet Kaur & Ms. Karuna Gupta with Director-Principal Mr. Kuldeep Singh & HoD Ms. Ravinder Dang & Faculty member during Declamation Contest
HoD Ravinder Dang with faculty members Ms. Manjit Singh, Dr. Luthra & students with saplings to be planted on the ‘Van Mahotsav Day’
Students of D.Pharm II giving a Giddha performance during Annual function, ‘Rende Vouz’
Students of D.Pharm I giving a dance performance during Annual function, ‘Rende vouz’
Ms. Baljeet Kaur, Project Officer, Regional Centre for Enterpreneurship Development, Chandigarh with HoD Ravinder Dang & Dr. S.S. Luthra, giving vertificates to the students for participation in Enterpreneurship Awareness Camp
Doctors of DMCH, Director Principal Kuldip Singh & faculty members with Students practising the technique of CPR during a workshop on First Aid
Gynaecologists Dr. Ginny Gupta & Dr. Vineet Abrol with facultu members during a seminar on ‘Challenges for Youth – Today & Tommorow’
Drugs Inspectors Ms. Roopreet Kaur & Ms. Karuna Gupta giving away a prize to winner of Declamation Contest
Dr. Parvinder Singh, Associate Professor, GGNIMT delivering a Lecture on ‘Effective Communication Skills’ to the students
March Past on Sports Day
Students of D.Pharm II performing during the Annual funstion, ‘Rende Vouz’
Students receiving medals & certificates from the Chief Guest during the ‘Sports day’
Chief Guest Mayor – Harcharn Singh Golwarhia with Hon. General Secretary Gursharan Singh Narula, & students during a “Blood Donation Camp’ on the Campus
Activity List of 2019-2020
- Opening new session with Ardaas 30.7.19
- Campus Placement 3.8.19
- Plantation day celebration on 4.9.19.
- Teachers day celebrated on 5.9.19
- Swacch Bharat Abhiyan celebrated in college campus.
- Turban completion held in college campus on – 28.9.19
- Ehsaas- 12.10.19
- 550th B’day of Sh. Guru Nanak Dev ji. Celebrated on- 16.11.19
- National Constitution day celebrated on -26.11.2020
- Poster presentation celebrated on – 20.12.19
- Plogging- ——- 14.2.20
- Sports day celebration on- 15.2.20
- Annual Function- – 7.3.20
- Impetus———– 3rd week of March
- Industrial Visit— 1st week of April
- Conference on communication skills- 21.3.2020
Activity List-2018-2019
- Opening new session with Ardaas (24/08/18)
- National Pharmacist Day (25/09/18) significance of Pharmacist day address
to the students:Speaker: Mr. S.P.S Bhatia (Senior Teacher)
- Teacher Day Celebration: (05/09/2018)
- National Pharmacy Week:
- Declamation Contest: (22/11/18)
- Poster Presentation(24/11/18)
- Guruparab Celebration (26/11/18)
- Workshop: CPR &First Aid Workshop by the teams Doctors of DMC, SPS
Hospital & On 7/12/18.
- Guest Lecturer: By Dr. R.S. Bhatia on Stress Management in youthon
- Campus Placement on 14.02.19 by Microlabs
- Workshop on enhancing quality in higher education, innovative practices
under faculty development programme by IQAC on 16th March,2019
- Industrial Visit to concern Pharma Ludhiana on 15th March, 2019
11.Impetus- 2019
- Guest Lecturer :Role of Pharmacist in Community Health Career :
By Dr.Surinder Gupta
- Guest Lecturer : Interview Guidance & Career Counselling:
By Parwinder Singh
- Annual function-
ON 28th April
Activity List of 2017-2018
- 1. Opening new session with Ardass (03/08/17)
- 2. National Pharmacist day (25/09/17) in collaboration with The Himalaya Drug Company:
Speaker: Mr. Harpreet Singh (Business Manager Pharmaceutical Division) - 3. Poster Presentation in National Conference at G.H.G Khalsa College of Pharmacy, Gurusar Sudhar (22/09/17)
- 4. Lecture on PCOD and Female Hygiene(17/10/17) sponsored by Sun Pharmaceuticals:
Speaker: Dr. Geetanjali Kaur, Sr. Gynaecologist, Pal Nursing Home, Ludhiana. - 5. Gurupurab Week Celebration(18/10/17): Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
- 6. Pharmacy Week Celebration
- Poster Presentation (22/11/17)
- Declamation Contest (24/11/17)
- Guest Lecture and Seminar on Role of Pharmacist In Heath Care System (24/11/17)
Speaker: Dr. Balbir Shah (Vice-President of Society of Andrology, Ex.Prof.DMC Ldh)
- 7. World Aids DAy Celebration(01/12/17) in association with Red Ribbon Club
Lecture by: Dr. Balbir Shah (Vice-President of Society of Andrology, Ex. Prof. DMC Ldh) - 8. Poster Presentation at National Conference at G>H.G Khalsa College of Pharmacy, Gurusar Sudhar (22/12/18)
- 9. Lecture cum Workshop on Interview and Carrer Guidance(26/02/18)
Speaker: Mr. Parvinder Singh (HOD GGN Institute of Management and Technology, Ldh) - 10. Trip to PU UIPS Chandigarh, Sukhna Lake and Gurdwara Sri Fatehgarh Sahib (27/02/18)
- 12. Workshop cum Training on Marketing Skills (04/10/16)
Speaker: Mr. Karan (MR in Mankind) & Mr.Parampreet Sing (MR in Micro Labs) - 11. Poster Presentation in National Conference at PCTE Institute of Pharmacy, Ludhiana (09/03/18)
- 13. IMPETUS-2018
- Seminar on Fighting Blues (Stress Management) (10/04/18)
Speaker: Dr.Anshul Mahajan (Psychiatric, Manas Clinic, Ldh) - 2-day International conference on Science And Technology: Trends And Challenges
- Inauguration and Technical sessions (16/04/18)
- Technical Sessions, Poster Presentations and Valedictory Function(17/04/18)
- Seminar on Fighting Blues (Stress Management) (10/04/18)
- 14. Industrial Visit to Velite Pharmaceuticlas, Hambran, Ludhiana (19/04/18) by Students of D.Pharm 2nd Year
- 15. Annual Function (22/04/18)
Activity List of 2016-2017
1. Opening new session with Ardaas(02/08/16)
2. Teej Celebration (10/08/16)
Guests: Ms.Sarita Tiwari & kamal Grewal (Punjab singer)
3. Poster Presentation at National Conference at ISF College of Pharmacy, Moga(03/09/16)
4. Teacher’s Day Celebration (05/09/16)
5. Seminar on Yoga (21/09/16)
Speaker: Prabhjeet Singh (Lecture in G.G.N College Ldh).)
6.Workshop cum Training on Marketing Skills (04/10/16)
Speaker: Mr.KAran (MR in Mankind) & Mr.Parampreet Singh (MR in Micro Labs)
7. Poster Presentation at National Conference at G.H.G Khalsa College of Pharmacy, Gurusar Sudhar (20/10/16)
8. Vigilance week (03/11/16)
9. Seminar on Career Counseling and Guidance for armed force(09/11/16)
Speaker: Col.Rajeev Bagga
10. Declamation Contest on Women Empowerment (16/11/16)
Followed by Guest Lecture on heathy Life and Sound mind
Speaker: Dr. Ajit Singh Chawla ,Dr. Harmesh Singh & Dr. Gurdeep Singh Dhuria
11. 100th Centenary Celebration Function (17/11/16)
Chief Guest-Dr.Jaspal Singh (Hon.ice Chancellor at Punjab University Patiala)
Guest of Honour: S.Charanjit Singh Atwal(Hon. Speaker in Punjab Legislative Assembly)
Cultural Performance by:Pammi Bai
12.Gurparab Celebration (21/04/15)
13.Constitution Day (25/11/16) was marked with Savidhan Oath.
14. Pharmacy Week Celebration (26/11/16)
- Declamation Contest
- Guest Lecture on Management of Diabetes
Speaker: Dr.Gurdeep Singh Dhuria(Associate Professor at DMC, Ldh)
15.Industrial visit to Franklin Pvt.Ltd. (04/03/17) by studemts of D.Pharm 2nd Year
16. Women’s Day Celebration (08/03/17)
Chief Guest and Speaker: Dr.Inderjit Kaur (President of Pingalwara Society, Amritsar)
17. IMPETUS-2017 (17/03/17)
- Workshop on CPR Technique: Speaker: Dr.Puneet Puni (HOD,Dept. of Pediatrics. DMC Ldh.) and DR.
Gurdeep Singh Dhuria (Asst. Professor, DMC Ldh.) - Free Dental Check Up
18. Workshop o Acne (22/03/17) sponsored by Axis Pharma, Ludhiana.
Speaker: Dr. Naurya, Dermatologist, Naurya Hospital, Ludhiana
19. Annual Function (08/04/17)
Chief Guest: Gursharan Singh Narula (President GKEC), Dr.S.P. Singh (Secretary, GKEC)
Activity List of 2015-2016
1. Opening New Session with Ardass (03-08-2015)
2. Seminar on Social Cause (08-09=8-2015)
Organized by Yes Bank
3. Seminar on Marketing Skills (14-08-2015)
- Karandeep Singh (M.R in Mankind)
- Pawanpreet Singh
- Kamaljot Kaur (M.R in Mankind)
- Deepa Rani (M.R in)
4. Teacher Day Celebration (07-09-2015)
5. lecture on Role of Physiotherapy (29-09-2015)
6. Pharmacy Week Celebration (17-11-205 & 18-11-2015)
- Lecture on Rational Use of Antibiotics
Speaker- Dr.Puneet Kumar Bansal (Associate Prof. in I.S.F College of Pharmacy Moga) - Declamation Contest
- Lecture on Drug Abuse
Speaker- Dr.Pushpinder Singh (Anasthetics at G.T.B Hospt. Ldh.) - Nukar Natak by Professional Team on Theme Drug Abuse
7. Guruparab Celebration (28-11-2015)
8. Lecture on Interview and Career Guideance (18-02-2016)
Speaker- Parvinder Singh (H.O.D of G.G.N.I.M.T Ldh.)
9. Annual Sports Day (27-02-2016 & 29-02-2016)
Chief Guest- S.Sukhpal Singh Brar (Deputy Commissioner Plice Ldh.)
S.Satbir Singh Atwal (Deputy Commisioner Police & President of Punjab Athletics Asssociation)